And so here we are, a few months later. Ironically enough, I wasn't able to make my deadline for the latest edition of Violet. The deadline was pushed back quite a bit. I found this hard to accept for myself, and so I found it a challenge to accept that it just wasn't what life had planned for me during that time.
Now that I've found my grasp on life, (for the moment ;) and have learned to take every second for what it is worth by the horns, I am able to say that the next edition will be out very soon. In the meantime, I have began other adventures in my writing career that I am truly excited about. It's amazing to watch simple ideas, become reality- especially when the overall impact will have a huge and positive impact on society.
Wise Thinking (Positive Thinking with Sandra Wise) is my next project that is in the works as you read this. This will be a video blog via Youtube of positive news that is happening around the world as viewers send it in. Each video will be in a ten minute time span, and the goal is to bring a smile to your face while informing viewers of the good that is happening throughout the world.
I will be creating another blog to follow along with the videos, so that you can read about it as well and listen in. More news will come on this as it is created, so follow along for future details!